
One-time anniversary offer: Get your free ticket now!

Simply answer our question as to which year Prolight + Sound was held for the first time and you can look forward to a free ticket to the big anniversary event.

Stage equipment

Theatre & Light

Welcome to the world's biggest stage: innovative products and technologies for theatre and stage will be presented to you at Prolight + Sound by key players from all stage technology sectors.

Guided Tours

Trade fair tours on the subject of theatre technology at Prolight + Sound

During the event, Prolight + Sound offers you expertly moderated tours of the fair.

The tours give you a compact overview of the fair in one hour. Specialists and managers from the companies present new products, innovations and technologies that are particularly interesting from a planning and technical point of view.

The tours are free of charge.

Guided Tour Theatre & Light
Starting point: 30 years PLS Anniversary Stand, Hall 12.0 C20

Tuesday 8 April, Thursday 10 April and Friday 11 April
11- 12 hrs

Wednesday 9.4.
12 - 13 hrs

Andreas Bickel

Tour guide: Andreas Bickel (VPLT e.V.)

Chairman of the European standardisation committee CEN/TC 433 Entertainment Technology since 2014.

Guided Tours Theatre & Light

New: Theatre Stage

Theater Vortrag

Raise the curtain on the new Networking & Speaker Area. The Theatre Stage invites you to network with international colleagues and offers an exciting and informative programme of lectures on all four days of the fair.
Tuesday to Thursday we cordially invite you to happy hour for a drink and a nice chat.

New: Theatre Talk
Get in touch with exhibitors from the theatre industry. In the new Theatre Talk, you can learn about new solutions and ask company representatives your questions in person every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon.

Theatre Café

Cafe Tasse

Take a break, network, enjoy: the Theatre Café

We invite you to take a seat in the new Theatre Café. Meet your customers there for a coffee and a nice chat or simply take a break.

Women in Lighting

Die Initiative „Women in Lighting“ stärkt die Profilierung weiblicher Beschäftigter in Licht-Gewerken. Quelle: Ayrton

Clear the stage for creative women: With the "Women in Lighting Lounge" and a specialised programme, the innovative achievements of women in the event industry will be put in the spotlight. Meet female professionals and interested newcomers, listen to lectures and interviews with inspiring personalities or find out about career opportunities for women in the event industry.

Not to be missed

Karla Lopez

Lecture by Karla Lopez
(Lighting designer, programmer and creative director): The Art of Lighting Design
This talk is focused on sharing knowledge, techniques, and creative process, allowing you to transform ideas into a visual design.
Theatre Stage, 11 April, 13 hrs



Lightsources Backstage - A slightly different look inside modern spotlights.

In the LightLab you will get new impulses for different light sources of modern spotlights.

The Lightlab offers unique insights into:

  • Special properties of modern light sources, special features and how to handle them,
  • Comparison, valuation and measurement of the light source,
  • Decision-making aids for choosing the right light source,
  • Limitations of modern LED technology and how to recognize and assess these with photometric data.

The core lectures of the LightLab will be given by B.Sc. Fabian Oving, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW) , Faculty DMI - Department of Media Technology, Light Lab.

There will be four lectures per day, two in German and two in English.

Booth 12.0 F66

The LightLab is supported by:

  • Ayrton
  • Cameo
  • ClayPaky
  • Elation
  • ETC
  • GLP
  • JB-Lighting