
One-time anniversary offer: Get your free ticket now!

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Persons at Future Hub

Campus & Career

Start your professional future with Prolight + Sound! Not only the next generation of event organisers will find the best opportunities for a successful future in the event business here: the Future Hub offers the best opportunities with a Start-up Area, a Career Center, the Campus and a Networking Area. The Future Talents Day, a day dedicated to young talent, rounds off the programme.

The Future Hub

The Future Hub (Hall 11.0) is the ideal destination for today's and tomorrow's professionals! Constructed from resource-efficient materials and powered by green energy, the area sends a clear message of sustainability and energy efficiency. The plants used in the area will be made available to a school project after the fair, which will be supported throughout the year in Social Media.

It is divided into the Start-up Area, the Career Center, the Campus as well as a Networking Area.

The future belongs to the future talents – because without young talent, nothing would happen in the event industry! For this reason, the associations of the Event Industry Forum are organising the Future Talents Day (11 April), which is dedicated to the industry's future talents for a whole day.


Future Hub Campus

Got your degree but unsure about your career path? Interested in further education?

On the campus, which we are realising in cooperation with the VPLT (Association for Media and Event Technology), renowned educational institutions will provide information about training and further education opportunities in the event industry and advise young talent on career planning. Whether it's a specialised event course of study, further education or training - all the information is available here in concentrated form.

The following companies invite you to campus for all topics related to training and further education in the event industry:

  • RPTU Kaiserslautern
  • Hochschule Hannover
  • Berliner Hochschule für Technik
  • Crewcall Förderverein
  • SAE Institute ( im MusicOneX Areal /in the MusicOneX Area)
  • Filmhaus Frankfurt ( im BVFK Areal/ in the BVFK Area)

Career Center

Job Corner at Prolight + Sound

Are you looking for a job? Interested in career opportunities in the event industry?

Whether you're a newcomer or a seasoned professional, at the Career Center, you can connect directly with companies that have open positions to fill. 

Join in and reshape your professional future!

The following companies are exhibiting at the Career Center and will be happy to help with questions and answers:

  • ADJ Group Europe
  • Robinson Club
  • Sinus Eventtechnik
  • Princess Cruises

Start-up Area

Visitors at Prolight + Sound

Looking for fresh inspiration and creative approaches?

Then the Start-up Area is the perfect spot: Here, companies present young, emerging brands that have been on the market for a maximum of 5 years. The focus is on innovative products and concepts that provide exciting insights into the future of the event industry.   

The following exhibitors await you in the Start-up Area:

  • The Narrowband Absorber Company
  • Eventgeist

You can find more young and innovative companies in the halls:

  • VeloConcerts GmbH, Austria, Hall 12.0 C84
  • Frameled, D49, Belgium, Hall 12.1, D49
  • NXT Group, Hungary, Hall 12.1 D51
  • Pure Effects VOF, Netherlands, Hall 12.1 E50
  • QubiCast GmbH, Germany, Hall 12.1 B51

Networking Lounge


Want to relax away from the hustle and bustle of the trade fair? And do a little networking on the side?

With its urban garden look and comfortable seating, the Networking Lounge invites you to relax, connect and exchange ideas in a cosy atmosphere. This is where the industry's most important future topics are discussed and impetus is provided for a more sustainable event industry.

Future Talents Day

Future Talents Day

At Prolight + Sound, the associations of the event industry always hold the Future Talents Day on the last day of the fair.

On Friday, 11 April, the focus is on the future talents of the event industry. Pupils, apprentices, students and interns are cordially invited to be inspired by the diversity of the event industry, to gain insights into the experiences of other future talents and professionals, and to try their hand at event technology. How do insiders view the industry? What goes into a live event? Find out all this and much more on this special day for you.

Programme (in German only):

  • 10:30 – 10:50 a.m. | Welcome
  • 11:00 – 11:50 a.m. | Future Talents Day: Security concepts for large events – legal challenges and best practices
  • 12:00 – 12:50 p.m. | Future Talk
  • 12:00 – 15:00 p.m. | Workshops ‘Event technology you can touch’
  • 13:00 – 13:50 hrs | University round table

But the day offers a lot more to get you excited about this great industry:

Rigging Quiz

Test your skills in the exciting rigging quiz! Explore the world of event technology and learn new things in a fun way. Have fun solving the puzzles!

Playful exam preparation and digital report booklet

azubi:web is a learning programme for apprentices that enables time- and location-independent, playful exam preparation and prepares them for the challenges of the modern working world. Why not give it a try at Prolight + Sound!

VPLT Cosmos of professions

Something to do with events? But what? Find out what training and further education opportunities are available in media and event technology. Find out where your individual career journey could take you. The VPLT education pilots are on hand to help and advise you.

Your physical well-being will also be taken care of: enjoy free hot dogs and veggie dogs upon presentation of your student ID.

To the programme

Register here until 4 April for the Future Talents Day:

Supported by

Logo Rigging Service
Logo Virtual Industrie
Logo 30 Jahre mmc
Logo BHT